



Предмет(ы) обучения (консультирования); названия программ и экзаменов, к которым готовите; возраст учащихся

English Language

Расскажите о себе и занятиях

I am a girl aged 22 from Zimbabwe british english as my native language.I am positive ambitious person who has an enthusiastic on life and driven.I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself so i have something to strive towards. I am not comfortable with settling and I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I love teaching because it gives a great sense of achievement seeing my students or the people l will be helping develop and grow as individuals .lf l can have a positive impact on their future, l feel l am doing my job well. l am an effective communicator both in writting and verbally and l have strong ability to plan and organise effectively, something which is crucial to the role of a competent teacher.l am someone who always implements effective behaviour management and strive myself on an ability to continually develop both personally and professionally.I always help the lower grades students with their exercises and homeworks, helping recite poems and also singing not excluding reading. When l am free l always engage myself in playing chess, listening to music and doing exercises in gym as my daily routine.

Ваше образование (краткое и полное название вуза, факультет, специальность, год окончания)?

Currently l am a stomatology student at PEOPLES FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY IN RUSSIA. l already finished my russian language course and in 2018 l had managed to finish the english and communication skills under the physiotherapist degree at UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBZBWE.

Где проходят уроки (у себя, у ученика, дистанционно)? Какова продолжительность урока и точная стоимость?

the lessons mostly tak place at the students place or any area around Moscow that is near metro stations.Thr duration of the lesson is from 1-2 hours per day and costing from 700 rubles per hour.

Как проходят занятия? Как организована Ваша совместная с учеником работа? В чём особенности методики?

The lessons are going well and the technique is only to be able to understand each other between the tutor and the student also having patince with students as learning a new language requires some time.

Кто Вы?

Студент, Частный репетитор

Место проведения занятий у репетитора (город, станция метро, улица, дом)

place of a student and sometimes near metro stations.

Какова стоимость 45 минут Вашего урока в рублях?

До 701